For the Women.

The Feminine Body, and my thoughts on being connected to her.
Women are the most amazing creatures, from the wild creator to the graceful mother, we can embody so many different energies or archetypes and live deeply alive, resonating with our true nature. We are the lover, mother, crone, child, and SHE comes in many forms.
What lights you up??
What brings you joy??
two really poignant questions today that Im inviting you to answer.
Womens health and wellness has been a subject that Ive been interested in for many years. My search has led me to discover the wild nature of the feminine, to be truly wildly me! and Im so happy that I'm now at this place in my life where I can just be me. Connecting to my own power and my primal life force. That which is essentially feminine, has been a journey into pleasure. A healthy body can resonate with the ecstatic, the senses alive to sights, sounds, scents and texture.
This is the power of pleasure. Let your pleasure guide you.
A healthy body is receptive, and to be healthy, nutritional support is important.
I created Mojo for Women for this reason. Ancestral support for women, of all ages starts here.
With a regular daily practice, what ever lights you up: Yoga, mediation, prayer, and nutrition: ancestral, local, organic, foods that nourish your body, foods that are consciously chosen to nourish you through out your cycle.
You will find that feminine within.