Get Vitamin D Naturally:

Get Vitamin D Naturally:

‘Heightened photosensitivity from drugs and seed oils and other modern lifestyle factors, hampers our ability to tolerate sun without cancer causing harm’ SK Norton. Toxic Superfoods

The sun is the best form of Vit D we have but our modern lifestyles with processed foods, supplements and high oxalate exposure, has our skin reacting negatively to the sun's goodness.

Firstly, if you are eating high oxalate foods and foods high in phytates your ability to use minerals is very low. These toxic foods in high doses can bind to the essential minerals in your diet. This means you will need to supplement to maintain the vitamin and mineral levels for optimal health.

Secondly, the research suggests that seed oils, or vegetable oils high in oxidised omega 6 fats are contributing to lowering your body's ability to absorb vit D and not to tolerate UV from sun exposure. Many carnivores have noted that since removing plants and vegetable oils they stop getting sunburnt!!

When you have removed seed oils and high toxic load from plants some good things start to happen when you are exposed to UV rays.

  1. Your cardiovascular system starts to work more efficiently 
  2. 15 to 20 mins outdoors will create a baseline tolerance to longer periods
  3. Morning sun gives you red light, which is essential for circadian rhythms. Helping you sleep better.

In Sallys book, she goes on to cite studies that support her claims. Claims that our modern lifestyle is partly to blame for the higher levels of cancer in our lives these days.

Some antibiotics, personal hygiene products, and sunblocks contribute to making the skin more UV sensitive.

Isn't it great that we now have all this information at our fingertips to help us make good decisions about what we expose ourselves to.

Please don't cover yourself with sun block, just put on a shirt and a hat, or get out of the sun.

Stop eating vegetable oils. Please read labels and at all costs avoid these.

Wean yourself into sun exposure, this time of the year. We are heading into a glorious hot summer, and Vitamin D is essential for a healthy body.