"Eating less carbs for longevity and better health"

The average person consumes about 12 teaspoons of sugar per day, which can have serious consequences for our health. Our bodies are not designed to process such large amounts of carbohydrates on a daily basis.
The problem with carbohydrates is that they stimulate the production of insulin, which is the fat storage hormone. They also damage the body and brain through a process called glycation, where the sugars in the bloodstream react with proteins and fats and cause them to deteriorate. Glucose is inherently damaging to cells, organs, and tissues in the body, and the less glucose we have in our bloodstream, the better.
A better source of fuel for our brains and organs is ketones. When fueling our bodies, carbohydrates are like kindling, they are used quickly and need to be replenished regularly. Fat, on the other hand, is like a log on the fire, it takes time to burn and releases energy slowly. Training our bodies to fuel with fats and protein takes time to adapt, but it is worth it for the sake of our health and longevity.
Insulin evolutionarily has not been there to lower blood glucose levels, we have a few different hormones like cortisol, glucagon, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and growth hormone all designed to regulate glucose in the body. Insulin's role is to store away excess nutrients in case of a famine.
In conclusion, while carbohydrates are a necessary part of our diets, the modern diet often includes far too many of them. By reducing our carbohydrate intake, we can improve our health and longevity. It may take time to adjust to a low-carb diet, but it is worth the effort.