Hot and Cold Therapy

Hot and Cold Therapy has been around for ages and I thought Id dig deep and find out why its so popular.
Now that you are enjoying good robust health keep doing what you are doing.
Thinking always about our ancestral principles to tune in and maintain this amazing healthy body that you have.
Enjoying the benefits of hot and cold therapy, there are a few.
Sweating in a relaxed state can gently and safely eliminate toxins of all kinds including oxalate. A hot sauna stimulates blood flow, and improves the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the tissues.
We started using the sauna to target blood pressure issues for my partner, and discovered that we both have benefitted way beyond what we had intended. Saunas improve pulmonary function, improve immunity and reduce inflammation and joint pain. Great to support your training recovery.
I can see why every home in Finland has one!! The Vikings were motivated to use hot therapy to maintain their radical health.
It is safe and beneficial to have a sauna session every day.
Cold Therapy:
Why is everyone cold plunging these days??
This crazy craze actually has amazing health benefits. Shocking the body with cold water has benefits and apparently no side effects!!
Mood boosting, and energising effects, cold therapy activates the sympathetic nervous system, which primes the body for action. Cold stress therapies produce beta-endorphin, a neurotransmitter, which increases our sense of wellbeing and pain suppression. I've spent the winter, in the sauna and in the ocean as part of my health routine and found them to be very restorative!
My core temperature takes a while to warm up in the winter, so I've always got socks and slippers close by.
Finding a place to plunge in the summer is going to be a challenge once the sea temps warm up.
Im joining the many enthusiastic people plunging all year round!