"Unlocking Life Fulfilment and Optimal Health Through Ancestral Living."
Why optimal health and wellbeing is a resource.“ Far and away, the people with the post damaged and intractably dysregulated brains and nervous systems I have seen or dealt with in my practice have all been vegans, with strict vegetarians coming a close second”
Nora Gedugaudas.
The average person consumes about 12 teaspoons of sugar per day, which can have serious consequences for our health. Our bodies are not designed to process such large amounts of carbohydrates on a daily basis. The problem with carbohydrates is...
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Dietary fats: Reference: Primal Body Primal Mind Nora Gedguadas The big fat surprise: Nina Teicholz Even though the focus of dietary recommendations is usually a reduction of saturated fat intake, no relation between saturated fat intake and risk of...
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Digestion and Nutrient Assimilation: Every system within the body relies on quality digestion. Human stomach pH should be 1.4 This is highly acidic to break down meat and bone. Today a lot of people do not produce enough hydrochloric acid...
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