
SOY Why is this so bad for me??
  Consuming soy products is a modern phenomena. Traditionally soy has not been seen as a food, but due to chemical processing humans have created ‘food’ products from soy. Like TVP textured vegetable protein, tofu, soy milk, and soy protein...
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Are Grains Bad For Me??

Why are grains not that good to eat??

All plants contain defence chemicals, because plants want to reproduce, they cant fight or run so have developed defences to maintain their species. To deter animals, insects and humans from eating them. 

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Ancestral Eating For All Ages:
Ancestral Eating For All Ages: I've been motivated to write this from inspiration I have had from my niece who has started weaning her little boy ancestrally. She carried him without problems. She ate and lived  ancestrally throughout her pregnancy...
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